First off I would like to thank everybody who has registered or written to me, your support has been wonderful. I appreciate it and as a token of my appreciation I would like to extend a special offer... Anyone who is registered can get Chameleon the Commercial Version of BeforeDark for a special price of $29.95 by mailing in your BeforeDark registration number, I won't offend anyone here with a sales pitch, if your interested contact:
Logical Solutions, Inc.
2124 University Ave. #102
Saint Paul,MN 55114
voice 612-659-2495
fax 612-659-2498
Of course any one who has previously registered does not have to re-register,
BeforeDark is still only $10.00
Changes from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 ___________________________________
1. Rewrote entire import module. fixes some old bugs, and I added new features-
patterns will retain names on imports- 6 new features in the module.